Smart Office
Smart Office
The Smart Office project is about the utilization of office resources. We monitor the usage by placing inexpensive small motion sensors on each resource. The sensors send information about movement to a central node. Using a smart algorithm, we can calculate if, when and for how long each resource is in use.
This information can be used in different ways:
- Present real-time information about where and how many resources are in use. I.e. “where can I sit and work?” or “where is the closest free phone booth?”
- Report over the average percentage of occupied workplaces during office hours for a given date-interval.
- What is the probability of a phone booth resource being free at a given date
- Decision support: Do we need to add more resources?
- Comparison reports of different floors/offices/date intervals
- Trend curves of utilization. Could be used to predict when office needs expanding.
- Heat maps of where the most popular workplaces are located on a floor/office. Can be used to indicate undesirable areas in the office.
- Etc…
What it’s really about
Really all we want to do is play around with IoT devices, build sensors, solder components, program microchips, design and 3D-print stuff and build cool web interfaces. The rest is just a bonus.
Going forward
If we are successful in this project, we are hoping to expand to other offices. We believe it’s a very inexpensive way to monitor an otherwise very costly part of an organization.